Tag Archives: Every

Q&A: Besides swimming, what are good aerobic exercises that I can do, that work out every muscle?

Question by Alice: Besides swimming, what are good aerobic exercises that I can do, that work out every muscle?
I am a swimmer, and I know that it is one of the best forms of exercise, since it works every muscle. Can you recommend some other good ways to exercise?

Best answer:

Answer by rkeith03
|| U\

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Is it safe to do Pilates every morning?

Question by Jumong: Is it safe to do Pilates every morning?
Some say morning is the best time for working out.

Some say working out in the morning (a few hours after waking up) would cause backpain as time passes by. And this sounds more factual than the first statement.

I would like to know if it is safe to Pilates in the morning.

Best answer:

Answer by ILOVEU
morning is always the best time for any form of exercise haha i mean any form *winks*

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How can I get a smaller butt? I already cut calories and jump rope 10 mins every other day?

Question by crystal t: How can I get a smaller butt? I already cut calories and jump rope 10 mins every other day?
i have no excersize equipment and have been going pilates how else can I make my butt smaller?

Best answer:

Answer by ny
This is a complete list/menu of Butt exercises for men or women.


they have animated photos, so very easy to repeat. I tried those with the dumbbells.

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