Tag Archives: flexible

How can I become more flexible?

Question by Anonymous-MD: How can I become more flexible?
I am not flexible at all. I need to be flexible in gymnastics especially. I also need my muscles to be flexible. Do you have any tips or suggestions to become more flexible?

I am a 13 year old male by the way.

Best answer:

Answer by layla_weasley@yahoo.com.au

Well, I did dancing back in the days of when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, and I am naturally flexible; even now, four years with no dancing or yoga to aid me, I am quite flexible.

I would recommend daily yoga if you can fit it in your what I would assume, tight schedule, perhaps 30 mins or so every now and then. (Daily).

Daily stretching is vital. Certain stretches, for example, simple floor exercises (e.g. splits) are useful. But don’t go straight into that. Start off easy, and as the seconds tick by, deep breathing, and then stretch out a little further than you did earlier; trust me, it works.

Maybe you should use a Thera-Band? Or go learn some dancing.


Good luck, you’ll be fine!



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Q&A: How can I tell if I’ll ever be flexible?

Question by Luxecashmere: How can I tell if I’ll ever be flexible?
I’d love to be flexible but I’m not sure if my body will let me (I’ve tried yoga and pilates- nothing). Is there a way to tell if I can be flexible?

Best answer:

Answer by pumpkin head
Anyone can be flexible, it just takes training and time.

Tip: Try yoga / pilates etc after a hot shower. It will warm up the muscles, tendons and ligaments in your body, giving them more ability to stretch and twist.

Also, dont push yourself too hard. Forcing it may cause tears or breaks – which never heal to their original strength and cause scaring.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What should I do to make myself more flexible – yoga, pilates, or other?

Question by hotspicedonut: What should I do to make myself more flexible – yoga, pilates, or other?
I am ridiculously unflexible, and want to be more flexible. I would like to be able to do the splits (in the end!). What should I do to gain this flexibility – yoga, pilates, or something else? Suggestions are very welcome 🙂
Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by olenastefanac
Definately yoga and practice it every day! pilates is more for streangth

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