difference between yoga and pilates?

Question by Forever Mine: difference between yoga and pilates?
I just started doing Your Shape for the kinect to build my muscle and stamina back up, but i’m wanting to do something else to help me learn to control my breathing and help with my flexibility. I know Yoga does help a great deal, but i’m not sure what pilates does exactly?

can anybody explain that to me and which would be better for me to do?
I do work out with the kinect, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, if that helps any.

btw, i’m very slim and tiny( 5’4” and 100 lbs) if that makes any difference.

There aren’t any classes where I live at, so i’m going to have to do it at home, which would be better for me anyways.
I’m not doing this to lose weight, i’m doing it to get back into shape since i’m starting a new job.

Best answer:

Answer by CarrieR
Pilates is the brainchild of Joseph Pilates. It has several focuses including toning and stamina, flexibility and breathing. The PRIMARY concentration, though, is CORE STRENGTH. That will be the main goal in the Pilates method- toning and strengthen the abdominal muscles that create the core.

Yoga has MANY MANY variations (lineages) and it depends on which type you are doing as to what you will get from it. If you are doing it on the Kinect, I will assume it is a basic, hatha style. This is a rather general term that encompasses several styles/lineages of yoga with focus on breath, concentration and flexibility. If it is a more YANG style (power, Ashtanga, Bichram, etc) then you can add stamina and strength to those benefits as well.

Neither will focus on weight loss- rather on toning and shaping, which it sounds like you want. Both are good. It really depends on what exactly you want out of your program. Honestly- I’d do both if you can.

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