Tag Archives: Many

How many times a week would I need to practice Pilates in order for it to be effective?

Question by SOL: How many times a week would I need to practice Pilates in order for it to be effective?
I’m thinking about investing in private pilates sessions. They expensive, so hence my question.
It would help me figure out the total cost.

Best answer:

Answer by severus
Figure, one day or two to rest. Book twice a week or thrice, depending on your finances. You should be carefully observing and learning, so you can cut down to once a week. Then, do the other days on your own from your studies.

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How many times per week should I do pilates?

Question by Dolce_Vita: How many times per week should I do pilates?
So I just got started on it yesterday and loved it (bought a couple dvds). I am really sore from it today. Is it okay if I do it everyday for 5 days a week, or should I do it every other day to let my muscles rest? I am not sure what the appropriate schedule is for pilates. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by andt04
some people do it every other day. but u dont have to. 5 days a week will work, but make sure you rest the other two days.

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