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C Section – Exercise and Recovery Plan

C Section – Exercise and Recovery Plan
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C Section – Exercise and Recovery Plan

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Would you change anything about my work out plan?

Question by jennay: Would you change anything about my work out plan?
Keeping in mind that I am a Mama of two and also work full time so I can’t really add any additional work outs…is this a healthy balance of activities or would you change anything.

I work out 4 days a week:

Day 1: Treadmill jogging/running 20 minutes, elliptical 10 minutes, 12×2 reps for biceps, shoulders and triceps, ab work

Day 2: Advanced pilates 1 hour, 15 min run

Day 3: 1 or 2 mile run, abs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, gluts (weight lifting sessions usually takes 60 mins or so)

Day 4: 1 hour of Zumba, 20-30 mins of ab works and arms

Weight lifting is done with free weights and pilates moves (like pelvic thrusts, leg lifts, chair sits, etc.)

Anything I should be doing differently? I just want to be healthy overall, my target areas are defining my abs, getting leaner arms and leaner thighs.
Thank you for your unsolicited concern regarding my family. I work out after my children go to bed and while my husband is doing his work outs. I don’t really see how that is related to my question.
It probably takes closer to 45 minutes, I do a variety of exercises for each area. abs alone: plank, bicycle, double leg lift, ball crunches, twist with weight, etc. I do some minor back stuff but not much, good point. i also do push-ups at every work out. can do about 10 man push ups, 15 girly ones.
Diet is good – I eat “fresh”, keeping things as close to their natural form as possible avoiding at all costs: trans and sat fat, hydrogenated anything, high fructose corn syrup and anything that has sugar in the top 5 ingredients. I’m not perfect but I have a pretty healthy “diet”.

Best answer:

Answer by Mark K
yes I would do some chin ups and tuesdays and thursdays

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