Tag Archives: Muscle

Q&A: For a girl that is 14, what is the best and fastest way to build muscle and tone up?

Question by Kabutops: For a girl that is 14, what is the best and fastest way to build muscle and tone up?
I am focusing on losing weight but at the same time I also want to build my muscle to help increase my metabolism so that I can be like a normal 14 year old. Also I don’t want to have to buy any expensive equipment. So far I have been holding weights when I walk and am (trying) to do reps with a 70 lb. dumbbell.

Best answer:

Answer by snowboarder4life
omg you should swim, I swim and i’m really in shape and i’m slender because of it and.. i get kinda buff.

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Q&A: How to exercise and lose weight and not gain muscle?

Question by NewMoonisthebestmovieever!!!!!!!: How to exercise and lose weight and not gain muscle?
Is there a way to exercise and not gain muscle because I have heard that muscle weighs more than fat and you get that when you exercise. Well I am a lot overweight right now and I am scared that since I have been working out that I will get muscle and then I will weigh even more. Because I already weigh a whole lot more than I should and I don’t want to weigh even more?

Best answer:

Answer by gvr
do you wrestle? why do you care how much you weigh?

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Q&A: How do I loose fat after building muscle with Pilates?

Question by Katya K: How do I loose fat after building muscle with Pilates?
I have been doing Pilates and/or Yoga every other day and walking for 2 months. I am building muscle noticibly and getting more flexible, but am also getting “puffier”. I look fatter because I have built muscle but not lost fat. What should I add to my work out regimine?

Best answer:

Answer by Heather E
just work out i was fat once to just do it no affence

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