Tag Archives: Would

How many times a week would I need to practice Pilates in order for it to be effective?

Question by SOL: How many times a week would I need to practice Pilates in order for it to be effective?
I’m thinking about investing in private pilates sessions. They expensive, so hence my question.
It would help me figure out the total cost.

Best answer:

Answer by severus
Figure, one day or two to rest. Book twice a week or thrice, depending on your finances. You should be carefully observing and learning, so you can cut down to once a week. Then, do the other days on your own from your studies.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Would you change anything about my work out plan?

Question by jennay: Would you change anything about my work out plan?
Keeping in mind that I am a Mama of two and also work full time so I can’t really add any additional work outs…is this a healthy balance of activities or would you change anything.

I work out 4 days a week:

Day 1: Treadmill jogging/running 20 minutes, elliptical 10 minutes, 12×2 reps for biceps, shoulders and triceps, ab work

Day 2: Advanced pilates 1 hour, 15 min run

Day 3: 1 or 2 mile run, abs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, gluts (weight lifting sessions usually takes 60 mins or so)

Day 4: 1 hour of Zumba, 20-30 mins of ab works and arms

Weight lifting is done with free weights and pilates moves (like pelvic thrusts, leg lifts, chair sits, etc.)

Anything I should be doing differently? I just want to be healthy overall, my target areas are defining my abs, getting leaner arms and leaner thighs.
Thank you for your unsolicited concern regarding my family. I work out after my children go to bed and while my husband is doing his work outs. I don’t really see how that is related to my question.
It probably takes closer to 45 minutes, I do a variety of exercises for each area. abs alone: plank, bicycle, double leg lift, ball crunches, twist with weight, etc. I do some minor back stuff but not much, good point. i also do push-ups at every work out. can do about 10 man push ups, 15 girly ones.
Diet is good – I eat “fresh”, keeping things as close to their natural form as possible avoiding at all costs: trans and sat fat, hydrogenated anything, high fructose corn syrup and anything that has sugar in the top 5 ingredients. I’m not perfect but I have a pretty healthy “diet”.

Best answer:

Answer by Mark K
yes I would do some chin ups and tuesdays and thursdays

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