Tag Archives: thighs

Q&A: How do I tone up my thighs and get flatter stomach?

Question by Wysdom: How do I tone up my thighs and get flatter stomach?
Ok, here is the deal, I read lots and lots on exercises but I have one problem that noone seems to know the answer to. I would like to try pilates but I am very short (4’10) and it doesn’t seem like people make exercise equipment for the vertically challenged. Help anyone? Am I too short for pilates? By the way, I have knee problems so cant run to burn calories/fat.

Best answer:

Answer by Fitty
Instead of running, try an ellipse machine, or spinning class. I just made that switch myself. It takes longer than running but I can do it with less pain.

The change was based on advice from an orthopedic surgeon.

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What kind of exercise is best for losing weight on your thighs?

Question by Lara Ardeche: What kind of exercise is best for losing weight on your thighs?
I need something that is simple but effective, and requires no additional equipment. Some people say pilates, but what specific form of pilates? Are there any other types of exercise that can be done easily? Thank you for your help and consideration!

Best answer:

Answer by Mel♥
Watch yoga videos–so you can go at your own pace doing non-strenuous excercise 😀

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