Tag Archives: without

Home workouts stir up results without the gym

Home workouts stir up results without the gym
… Default font size: Larger font size. Living room workouts. By Joseph Lee | Senior photographer … For years, people have been doing activities such as yoga and pilates from the comfort of their homes. But with the rise of DVD programs like …
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9. Oktober 1967 – Joseph Pilates stirbt in New York: Der Körperbauer
Ob Pop-Sängerin Madonna, Filmstar Julia Roberts oder Golf-Profi Tiger Woods – halb Hollywood hält sich mit Fitness-Übungen in Form, die Joseph Pilates entwickelt hat, um die Muskulatur zu kräftigen und die Beweglichkeit zu erhalten. Er ist überzeugt: …
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Routine pour raffermir et assouplir son corps avec la méthode Pilates
On la doit à Joseph Pilates, un homme vivant aux États-Unis, mais d'origine allemande. La méthode Pilates peut être considérée comme une gym douce qui consiste à enchaîner de nombreux exercices. Le but est, bien entendu, de raffermir le corps, mais …
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Pilates col pancione
Il Pilates per le future mamme sta prendendo piede come nuova forma di esercizio fisico utile al corpo e alla mente. L'acqua, si sa, aiuta a drenare con dolcezza, ma la disciplina inevntata da Joseph Pilates nel 1880, è fondamentale per la respirazione …
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Not being able to do situps or some pilates exercises without someone holding down feet: Is it a core issue?

Question by Niki T: Not being able to do situps or some pilates exercises without someone holding down feet: Is it a core issue?
I’m wondering because it seems that every time I watch a pilates instruction video, they seem to have no issue doing the moves without someone holding their feet down and I do.

I am not fat but I am slightly larger than the fitness models on these things and I carry a lot of my weight in my bust so is this just a matter of being too top heavy or if I keep at it, can I eventually be able to do it on my own?

Best answer:

Answer by Pinklovaa
keep trying. don’t quit because of a minor set back. don’t worry. once you’ve done it so many times, you will be fine on your own. try putting heavy books on your feet instead of a person. technically that is doing it on your own. =) Just kidding. Don’t stop trying!

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Q&A: How can I work out my back and shoulders without weights?

Question by baaark: How can I work out my back and shoulders without weights?
I’ve been working out lately, and since I’m really tight on space, I don’t use anything like exercise equipment and weights. Just my Pilates DVD and my mat. But I want to know how to work out my shoulders and my back without going out and buying dumbbells.

Also, I don’t have any access to a bar for pull ups or anything like that.

If anyone has any advice, I’d appreciate it.

Best answer:

Answer by ßαßε
Push ups and reverse push ups, where you prop your feet up on a chair, sit on the floor and push yourself up.

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