Tag Archives: attempt

Would you do pilates before or during an attempt to lose weight?

Question by I_love_English: Would you do pilates before or during an attempt to lose weight?
I am wanting to lose weight, but I do not feel that I am at a fitness level to be able to do pilates. My question is: would you lose the weight first and then do pilates to tone, or should I do exercises/diet to lose weight along with pilates? I am just afraid of being “too fat” to do pilates.

Best answer:

Answer by rod85
Don’t wait and don’t stop when you finally have lost the weight. Change your lifestyle. That is the most effective way to be healthy.

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My tailbone hurts whenever I attempt to do some Pilates Exercise routines. I need your opinion.?

Question by lucius_sorrow: My tailbone hurts whenever I attempt to do some Pilates Exercise routines. I need your opinion.?
I’ve started Pilates at home with the help of a DVD video 2 days ago. It’s just that my tailbone hurts everytime I try some of the routines. Rolling like a ball while holding the ankles, balancing with my feet streched upwards etc. are just some of the routines that give me a sore tailbone.

I wonder what could be done to stop the pain…

Best answer:

Answer by redgator40
don’t do them

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!