Tag Archives: stomach

why havent i got a flat stomach? im slim & i exercise, do pilates and stuff.?

Question by Lisa: why havent i got a flat stomach? im slim & i exercise, do pilates and stuff.?
dont even bother telling me to do sit-ups and crunchies and exercise; i already do. and how come overweight people can be big but still have a flat stomach?? im 57 kg, 14 if that helps. xoxo
yea, and i eat healthy. my mums vegetarien so naturally i eat that kind off stuff
if this helps, yea i know itll never be perfectly flat, but at least not flabbly would be better

Best answer:

Answer by sanjuu
Well this might be of laxity in abdominal muscles.So ask your physical trainer for exercises for abdominal muscles and with those you will get slim abdomen.

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Q&A: How long does it take for pilates to burn belly fat and to get a flat stomach?

Question by 🙂: How long does it take for pilates to burn belly fat and to get a flat stomach?
I wanna get flat abs as soon as possible and i have been told pilates works best. How long does it take to get flat stomach using pilates?

Best answer:

Answer by jibs00
depends on many things.

If you’re burning more than you consume, you’ll lose the flab. The harder you work out, the faster the flab goes away. Try and add running, swimming or another cardio sport to the pilates work out.. good for the heart and lungs, builds endurance and builds a lean body.

Note: If you don’t eat enough calories, you’ll break down muscle and not gain the strength pilates is designed to give you and just become a skin a bones anorexic.

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Is the ab rocket / or similar type equipment the best way to get a flat firm stomach ?

Question by Andrew: Is the ab rocket / or similar type equipment the best way to get a flat firm stomach ?
I know diet and excercise including crunches and pilates are good but they are hard on the back to do alot the pressure etc. Please let me know the best equipment and or excercise diet routine. I am doing a couple of miles of jogging a day and 120 push ups a day to start. The ab rocket was 90 dollars canadian.

Best answer:

Answer by fallenfairy
if you want to get flat abs and get back into shape i suggest you either buy the p90x program or the 10 minute trainer program. will do wonders for you body.

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