Tag Archives: videos

Do you think the effects of Pilates are really possible just by using videos or books?

Question by tim_the_bad_car: Do you think the effects of Pilates are really possible just by using videos or books?

Best answer:

Answer by Kitia_98
ABSOLUTELY!! I have a great video and it helped me tone my stomach muscles extremely well. I could feel it wokring all over.

Books would be harder for me but I loved working along with the video.

What do you think? Answer below!

Can I lose weight with exercise videos and pilates?

Question by Starlight20: Can I lose weight with exercise videos and pilates?
I’m 5’2″, and 125 pounds.

If I do 45 min exercise video, and 45 min of pilates everyday is that enough to loose weight in two weeks? How much would I loose?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeremy
As long as you get your heart rate up during the forty five minute exercise video you should lose weight. The pilates will also help, but the exercise video will help you out more. Make sure you are eating a healthy diet while you are doing this exercise routine as well.

Most people can lose around one to two pounds per week at the most. Anyone losing more than this is losing weight the unhealthy way, unless you are obese. Whatever happens good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

I am interested in yoga and pilates. Do you know of any good beginner books or videos?

Question by toothbrushx2: I am interested in yoga and pilates. Do you know of any good beginner books or videos?

Best answer:

Answer by sokokl
I have the title of two books that may help you find more information. The first one is Pilates for Dummies. Also check to see if there is Yoga for Dummies. I also have the link to a site that may help you find additional resources on Yoga. The link is at: http://yoga.about.com

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!